15 research outputs found

    Colocaciones verbales inglesas. Tratamiento lexicográfico

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    La oferta lexicográfica ha cambiado substancialmente desde hace algunos años, pero todavía presenta algunas carencias en cuanto a la inclusión de información sobre combinatoria léxica. Algunos autores consideran que esta información forma parte del significado de un lexema y, en consecuencia, debería estar incluida en su descripción lexicográfica. Dado que compartimos esta opinión, hemos decidido examinar el contenido de algunos diccionarios monolingües, como el Oxford English Dictionary (1994), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995) y Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1993). El análisis se centrará en la búsqueda de colocaciones formadas con un verbo light como make, have, take y do, seguido de un sustantivo. Though the lexicographic panorama has changed in the last few years, it still lacks some information about lexical combinations. Some authors are of the opinion that this information is part of the lexeme.’s meaning and, consequently, should be included in its lexicographic description. As we share this opinion, we have decided to examine some of the English dictionaries, such as the Oxford English Dictionary (1994), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995) and Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1993). The analysis will be focused on those collocations formed by a light verb, such as make, have, take or do, followed by a noun

    Uso de predicados complejos en los escritos de Astronomía del siglo XIX en lengua inglesa. Explotación del Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy

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    The corpus-based study presented here examines the use of make-complex predicates in nineteenth-century Astronomy. The texts analysed have been taken from the first published section of the Coruña Corpus, the Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy (CETA), compiled by the MuStE group. The concept of complex predicate applied to this study is the one explained by Cattell (1984). As the cor- pus includes extralinguistic information, complex predicates have been analysed applying three different parameters: time-span, origin of the authors and genre or text-type. Taking into account the first parameter, an increase in the use of make-complex predicates from the beginning to the end of the century has been observed; as regards origin, authors from North America made a wider use of these constructions than the ones educated in Europe. Within the European group, texts belonging to Scottish authors arouse the highest number of these collocations followed by England and Ireland. Text-types analysis shows that more specialised text-types tended to use a lower number of complex predicates but essays and articles present similar results as letters, a less specialised genre. Finally, morphological aspects of these complex predicates show that in a great number of examples the noun involved in the complex predicate was used in plural and that a 46.1% of the tokens found had an isomorphic related verb. Further research will focus on the use of complex predicates and the related verbs in the corpus. Data obtained will be compared to the ones found in eigh- teenth-century Astronomy texts to reach conclusions that might be extrapolated to scientific language in general.&nbsp

    18th century scientific writing: A study of make complex predicates in the Coruña Corpus

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    Complex predicates formed by the verb make plus a noun are suitable for being studied historically with very interesting results, as it was observed in previous literature. However, our interest lies in tracing, comparing and understanding what may be the variation of these constructions in scientific writing, and in their different chronological layers, analysing different scientific disciplines included in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC hereafter). As this proves to be a long-term objective, the aim of this paper is to study the use of complex predicates in only one of these disciplines. To this end, some texts included in the 18th century Life Sciences discipline of the CC have been analysed. Linguistic and extralinguistic information has been taken into account. Finally, the use of complex predicates and related verbs made by the scientists in question has been compare

    Analysing a type of collocation: Make complex predicates in Nineteenth-century Science and Fiction

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento de un tipo de colocación formada con el verbo make más un nombre en textos del siglo XIX. El estudio se centrará en el verbo make cuando funcione como colocativo o verbo light. Para comprobar si el registro o tipo de texto condiciona de alguna manera el uso de estas colocaciones, el corpus utilizado tendrá dos partes diferenciadas. El subcorpus científico incluirá textos que formarán parte del Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing y el subcorpus de ficción se compilará con textos literarios extraídos de la Chadwyck-Healey Collection. Como la Chadwyck-Healey Collection no es un corpus en sí mismo sino una base de datos, se han seleccionado fragmentos de algunas de sus novelas para compilar un subcorpus de ficción adecuadoThe aim of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of a type of collocation formed by a verb plus noun in 19th-century texts. The study will be focused on the verb make when functioning as a collocative or light verb. In order to check if the register or text-type determines in some way the use of these collocations, the corpus used will have two separate parts. The scientific subcorpus will include extracts of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing, and the 19th-century fiction section will be compiled with literary texts taken from the Chadwyck-Healey Collection. As the Chadwyck-Healey Collection is not a corpus but a database, excerpts of some of the novels included there have been selected to compile an appropriate counterpart

    Visualización del lenguaje a través de corpus

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    Digital version of the print publication, published in A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2010 (ISBN 978-84-9749-401-4)This book contains the papers presented at the Second International Conference on Corpus Linguistics held at the University of A Coruña in 2010 and organised by the MuStE group. The essays deal with different aspects of corpus linguistics both as a methodology and as a branch of Linguistics.[Abstract] The collection of essays we are presenting here are just a mere sample of the interest the topics relating to Corpus Linguistics have arisen everywhere. Such different topics as those related to Computational Linguistics found in “Obtaining computational resources for languages with scarce resources from closely related computationally-developed languages. The Galician and Portuguese case“ or “Corpus-Based Modelling of Lexical Changes in Manic Depression Disorders: The Case of Edgar Allan Poe” belonging to the field of Corpus and Literary Studies can be found in the ensuing pages. Almost all research areas can nowadays be investigated using Corpus Linguistics as a valid methodology. This is reason why Language Windowing through Corpora gathers papers dealing with discourse, variation and change, grammatical studies, lexicology and lexicography, corpus design, contrastive analyses, language acquisition and learning or translation. This work’s title aims at reflecting not only the great variety of topics gathered in it but also the worldwide interest awaken by the computer processing of language. In fact, researchers from many different institutions all over the world have contributed to this book. Apart from the twenty-two Spanish Universities, people from other Higher Education Institutions have authored and co-authored the essays contained here, namely, Russia, Venezuela, Brazil, UK, Finland, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Mexico, Thailand, Iran, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, Turkey, China, Italy, Malaysia, Romania and Sweden. All these essays have been alphabetically arranged, by the names of their authors, in two parts. Part 1 contains the papers by authors from A to K and Part 2, those of authors from L to Z

    Scientific writing: following Robert Boyle's principles in experimental essays -1704 and 1998

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    Science and scientific method have evolved in parallel with changes in philosophical ideas. One aspect of the discipline affected by these changes is the way in which scientists' results should be shown to the world. However, it was not until the second half of the 17th century that the first recommendations or guidelines for reporting scientific discoveries appeared. The Royal Society became the first institution to concern itself with the form this new discourse should take. The aim of this paper is to analyse the linguistic evolution experienced by two pieces of scientific writing and to examine to what extent the two texts follow the recommendations of Robert Boyle and the Royal Society concerning the patterns scientific discourse should observe. Two texts were selected for the task, one published at the beginning of the 18th century, the other at the end of the 20th. For the purposes of comparison, the texts analysed are from the same discipline and both report an experiment on Optics.The research reported on here was funded by the Xunta of Galicia through its Dirección Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento, grant number PGIDIT03PXIB10402PR (supervised by Isabel Moskowich), by the Universidade da Coruña through its Vicerreitoría de Investigación (supervised by Begoña Crespo), and by the Consellería de Innovación e Industria

    Compilación y explotación de un corpus con fines específicos

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    The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities that electronic corpora offer for linguistic research and to bear out one of the choices corpus-based studies give, to compile a corpus for a specific purpose. The lack of that type of corpora or the impossibility of accessing them should not be an insuperable problem to achieve our goal. In the Following sections the steps taken for the compilation of a corpus formed by English fiction texts published between 1800 and 1930 will be described. The last section will be devoted to the process of data retrieval and data-base design for a specific study: verb-noun collocations in late Modern English.El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar las posibilidades que ofrecen los corpus electrónicos para las investigaciones lingüísticas y apoyar una de las opciones que este tipo de estudios nos ofrece, la compilación de un corpus específico. La inexistencia o falta de acceso a corpus ya existentes, no debe suponer un problema insalvable para llevar a cabo un estudio determinado. En los diferentes apartados de este artículo detallaremos los pasos seguidos para la compilación de un corpus de textos ingleses de ficción desde 1800 a 1930. Seguidamente se expondrá el método seguido para la extracción y almacenamiento de datos extraídos para un tema concreto de estudio: las colocaciones verbo-nombre en Inglés Moderno Tardío

    Uso de predicados complejos en los escritos de astronimía del siglo XIX en lengua inglesa. Explotación del "Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy"

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    Compilación y explotación de un corpus con fines específicos

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    The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities that electronic corpora offer for linguistic research and to bear out one of the choices corpus-based studies give, to compile a corpus for a specific purpose. The lack of that type of corpora or the impossibility of accessing them should not be an insuperable problem to achieve our goal. In the Following sections the steps taken for the compilation of a corpus formed by English fiction texts published between 1800 and 1930 will be described. The last section will be devoted to the process of data retrieval and data-base design for a specific study: verb-noun collocations in late Modern English.El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar las posibilidades que ofrecen los corpus electrónicos para las investigaciones lingüísticas y apoyar una de las opciones que este tipo de estudios nos ofrece, la compilación de un corpus específico. La inexistencia o falta de acceso a corpus ya existentes, no debe suponer un problema insalvable para llevar a cabo un estudio determinado. En los diferentes apartados de este artículo detallaremos los pasos seguidos para la compilación de un corpus de textos ingleses de ficción desde 1800 a 1930. Seguidamente se expondrá el método seguido para la extracción y almacenamiento de datos extraídos para un tema concreto de estudio: las colocaciones verbo-nombre en Inglés Moderno Tardío

    Transferencia léxica y reglas de paráfrasis : verbos denominales de SP cognado

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    Este trabajo se centrará en la divergencia léxico-semántica que existe cuando el sentido de una unidad léxica en una lengua dada se expresa por un sintagma en otra lengua y viceversa. Hemos elegido como objeto de nuestro estudio la traducción de verbos denominales con SP cognado en inglés que dan como resultado una colocación en español. Proponemos una estrategia de transferencia basada en las Funciones Léxicas, tal y como se emplean en la Teoría Sentido-Texto. Según esta estrategia, los módulos monolingües soportan el mayor peso del proceso y se libera al módulo de transferencia al dejarle la tarea de traducir sólo la base de la colocación